Savannah | Age: 20 | Fraser, MI
Co-Founder, Pack Your Back

Leadership is... inspiring others to care about the world around them.
Leadership in Life... I would not be the person or leader I am today without the Michigan Youth Leadership conference. When I attended the conference, I figured it would be like the other leadership seminars I had been to. I couldn’t have been more wrong. The magic and personal growth I experienced in 3 short day put me on a path I couldn’t have ever imagined. I have met some of the most compassionate, determined people on this earth. My life wouldn’t be nearly as full without them in it. Since attending in 2013, I have been on staff every year. I was honored to serve as a Co-Facilities Director for a 2017 conference. When I first got the position, I had no idea what I was doing. Hence it was way out of my comfort zone. However, I got the opportunity to grow so much as leader during my year term. I can’t express my love and gratitude to this program and the people in it.
Advice… If you are presented with an opportunity to better yourself, do it. No matter how far out of your comfort zone it is. You never know when something could completely change your life. Never give up on your dreams. Things are going to try to pull you off course but sometimes the unexpected scenic route is better than your planned path. Life doesn’t always go your way but always try to make the most of what you’re given. Positivity through adversity is admirable and is a quality of an outstanding leader.
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